Curtain wall and edge of slab fire barrier systems for single spandrel zero spandrel and steel back pan configurations hilti s vast library of firestop solutions ranging from traditional spandrel designs 100 vision glass or eifs are unrivaled in the industry.
Curtain wall at floor.
Since the curtain wall is non structural it can be made of lightweight materials thereby reducing construction costs.
The framing is attached to the building structure and does not carry the floor or roof loads of the building.
The wind and gravity loads of the curtain wall are transferred to the building structure typically at the floor.
When glass is used as the curtain wall an advantage is that natural light can penetrate deeper within the building.
Geometry methods create curtain wall in the 3d window curtain wall input plane in 3d window extrude curtain wall from a slanted input plane positioning curtain wall in section.
Our window wall system is designed to allow factory glazed window and door units to be installed between the floor slabs of multiple story buildings giving the appearance of curtain wall.
Create curtain wall on the floor plan draw curtain wall boundary in the section window create a curved curtain wall.
A curtain wall is a glazed wall system hung off a concrete slab using anchors.
Most often used on commercial buildings curtain walls are typically installed from the outside of a building using cranes or rigs.